Happy returns...
I returned home Friday from Rwanda. Many, many hours on the plane. Lots of writing and music, to help access the heart and head connection. Lots of deep sighs, like something is exiting my spirit. A birthday party at the fantastically trendy "Cabana" reminded me of how out of place I can feel in places like that. Given where I had been 24 hrs earlier, it was a helluva transition. It reminded me of something from Upton Sinclair's The Jungle. Can you say meat market?
Well, the next day involved 2, yes 2 fall festivals. Here's some pics from Pumpkin Fest, downtown Franklin.

Evan has been consuming civil war stories like candy corn...and it followed that he wanted to dress as a union soldier. Here pictured with Boba Fett. Evan says Janga Fett. I say Boba. Boba tea.

After a little convincing, Ella dove in for pictures. Also got shots with Queen Amadalla and Princess Leia.

Ok, I'm a fan, too.
From there we went to El Dia de los Muertos, at Cheekwood, a beautiful plot of land in west Nashville, with lots of art and lots of gardens. I remember a commitment in my heart that I'd return here a few more times. I'm considering a membership in the new year.

Lots of space for contemplation. This is the bamboo garden - there are a few places like this that seem to naturally absorb tension.

There were amazing crafts for the kids to do there, peasant style tacos (cilantro, diced onion, strange meats), Jarritos (fantastically oversugared mexican sodas) and Las Palatas (fantastically fantastic popsicles with real fruit). Evan and Chloe Dente are working on painting gourds.

Ella got some time with her best friend in the whole wide world, Julia. Her folks, Dave & Susan, the Dentes and I all did the circuit.

Lastly, there were scarecrows displayed with different themes. I had to snap a pic of this one. "Sunday Night Socialite." Fantastically trashy scarecrow.
I feel like the weekend was a long hug to my family, a welcome back from friends, and I'm one step closer to making it home again.