Date night...
Ella and I had a night all to ourselves, as Melissa's at the beach and Evan's off to a campout with some of his friends. We got ready to drop him at the friend's house, and Ella put on her new shirt from the grandparents, her new purse, and matching "clomping shoes" to prepare for our date. They are referred to as that, due to the extremely loud clomping noise they make. It's like a clarion call that "SOMEONE IS DRESSED UP AND READY FOR SOMETHING SPECIAL!" Her choice for dinner?

The hibachi spectacular. Everything tastes like the two sauces they offer. Mediocre sushi. But there's fire, and lots of knife throwing. And that's pretty fantastic.

We shared some teryaki chicken, and enjoyed the show.

These sorts of reactions are becoming standard. She's a beautiful little nut. We finished, and she suggested that "...maybe we could go to chuck e. cheese's...and just play games, since we've already eaten dinner." $3 later, lots of tickets won, some meaningless plastic toys exchanged, and we were headed home.

We had to stop off at the store to get some milk, fruit, peanut butter, etc. (I'm in charge of these details, can you imagine??) While we were there, we got some cookie dough, made cookies and capped the night off snuggling in bed watching her christmas favorite, "The Happy Elf." She snored away as I watched the Daily Show. My heart was full.