Pre-emptive New Year, Part 3
It was on last night at a photography studio in downtown Nashville. A great opportunity to see friends rarely seen, and shake shake shake. A small cover charge, and we raised a little bit for blood:water mission, too.

A lot has happened this year. Old friends are reminders of constancy in change. It's good to look around and see those faces, especially as we close out a year, and ring in the next.

I held it down with my powerbook and the harddrive known on my desktop as "the party." The vibe was fantastic - christmas lights, old sci-fi movies projected on a huge white wall. I can't fail to mention that a good friend brought a big ole' Chimay.

Rihanna's Pon De Replay kicked out a spontaneous line dance.
I should explain that the historic (3 years running) roots of this event are born of some pre-emptive jokes about US foreign policy, and also the drag it is to get a babysitter on New Years' Eve. That's virtually impossible.
I hope your New Year leads you to some new sense of purpose, health, and hope. Cheers!