Art Linkletter, etc.
Ella and I ran to the Walgreens/CVS/etc. to get some shaving gel. I was way overdue. Grizzley Adams. Well, she brought her Hello Kitty wallet with her, and seemed intent on spending her 3 quarters, 1 dime, and 1 nickel on something. I asked her what she was needing, and she said a toy would be good to play with. So, we perused the aisle after I found said shaving gel.
We repeated the same exchange of "can I buy that?...that costs more than you have..." 5 or 6 times. Then we headed for the door.
At the car, she handed her wallet to me, and she opened the door, said,"That's what boys are good for."
"What are boys good for?"
"For holding my stuff."

We were headed to Mellow Mushroom and Evan saw a man smoking a cigar. He was reminded that a friend of ours smoked. And I told him, without thinking, that our friend did smoke, but stopped, as he and his wife were struggling, trying to have another child for their young son to grow up with and play with.
Evan said,"OH, I know what happens."
My back stiffens, expecting anything at this point. Oh geez.
He continues,"A man smokes, and then kisses a woman, and the smoke gets inside her mouth, too."
"Kinda, yeah."

Lastly, I want to thank Pacman Jones, soon to be former Titans football player who was arrested at a club where at one point he was throwing $80,000 in one dollar bills at some strippers. Guns were involved that night, and I think someone was shot, as per usual.
Well, Evan returned home from school today and said,"My friend whos dad plays for the Titans said Pacman Jones got arrested at a club where there were 3 naked ladies, and for spraying a drink on their privates."
I have no idea what to say. So I take the Ward Cleaver approach.
"That wasn't a very nice thing to do, was it?"
"No," he said. "Women don't like to be walked in on without clothes on."
"This is true."