Thursday, February 28, 2008


This is from an email my dear friend Dave Bunker sent a few of us. He's called me to some important new spaces with my heart, and my art. Enjoy some of his "bunkerisms."

-Replace your career with your life
-Make community the center
-Believe only the submitted and the obedient
-Practice Discernment Constantly
-Serve the stranger not as a strategy but as an act of love
-Losses are rights and entitlements in servanthood
-Let your sacrifice be wise and intentional rather than blind and passive
-Dispute the claims of pathological individualism
-The demands of the market & the ruthless pursuit of profit are not the same as gravity
-Competition generates a vision of massive disorder
-Moral obligation is not a lifestyle choice
-Success is not a moral demand
-The ever deepening cost of success is the annihilation of the self
-Imagine a future that is ambitiously modest
-Launch your criticism from a position of mutual searching
-Find direction in the needs of others
-Rejoice in your sense of inadequacy
-Favor ethics over creativity
-Consciously put on the exclusion of the silenced other
-Make room for regret
-View information as capital
-Regard technology as a principality
-Design your world as if it mattered
-Consider what cynicism excludes
-Morph into a gift
-Abandon yourself at least once to the rules of community and notice your perspective
-Exploit nothing
-Regard encyclopedic mastery as diversion from the essential
-Kill the urge to be mobile
-Resist incessant reassessment
-Beware of philosophical discussions given by non-practitioners
-Negotiate ways of loving better
-Distrust the posture of arrogant certainty
-Suspect your rhetoric


Blogger Anne Jackson said...

wow. this post kicked me in the pants. thank you so much for sharing...these drip with wisdom and truth.

9:03 PM

Blogger mrs metaphor said...

Since I am unofficially Mr Bunker's biographer at this point I shall be stealing this and putting it up on wellspring too. Just sayin...he needs the exposure, babe.

My favorite:
"Distrust the posture of arrogant certainty"

that rocks...big.

10:02 PM

Blogger GBug said...

These are all worthy of the wall in the dining womb at the Darkside.

Find chalk. Sneak in when they're not looking. Decorate.


3:51 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

Very interesting...I like "Design your world as if it mattered"

Something in the way of the haphazard human interaction with their environment that smacks of self-importance...

As if the world were simply a backdrop.

Hope you the kids are well.

8:02 PM

Blogger Angela Hart said...

I may have to steal this one's much sexier than "Everything I learned I learned in 5th grade."

I especially like: Imagine a future that is ambitiously modest.

Thanks for sharing!


10:55 PM

Blogger Brody Harper said...

Good stuff..

I like this one...

"Let your sacrifice be wise and intentional rather than blind and passive"


10:56 AM

Blogger mrs metaphor said...

If anyone wants to read more from the prolific Mr Bunker you can check out his essays on

Just hit the tag for "bunker-isms" and it will bring up his work.

He's an amazing person.

12:33 PM

Blogger jdaviddark said...

Dave Bunker just made it into my book.

3:30 PM

Blogger Anon said...

Pot smokers, all of you.

11:04 PM

Blogger Andira said...

That was amazing. One of these will probably become my goal for the week.

7:13 PM


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