Thursday, December 13, 2007

Happily chased by the Beatles, Radiohead. Or, am I my own Gene Kelly?

We left Nashville in "small business owner mode" doing our best to butter up retailers on Tuesday, and this fell smack dab in the middle of our days off at home. So we opted to spend a day off in Austin, a good midway point between gigs. This meant I got to spend a day with the glowing and lovely Bananie.

After some solo retail therapy, she picked me up and drove to a great coffee shop to camp out. Kid A provided the soundtrack as we began what was for me a cathartic day. There is so much life in sitting with someone I love, and sharing our stories. So much life in just being together. I laughed more than I have in a long time, and accessed some sadness that has been hovering for a while now. I feel like I got some traction. I was aware in the littlest things of how our lives are strangely woven together, and how much that matters.

Entering her second trimester, like most moms-to-be, nausea is a given, and energy comes and goes like a mysterious wind (so I've been told, heh.)...well, Annie was incredible, and we actually lasted through lots of shopping (to a Beatles/Radiohead soundtrack EVERYWHERE we went - just coincidence?) a great meal at the Clay Pit, a fantastic Indian restaurant and ended the night with some Pogues, Crowded House, and Beatles at the Ginger Man, a groovy Texas pub. What a trooper!

This has helped set the table for the next space in life for me. I'm not going to be the creepy guy living in my own basement. There's plenty of individual work to do. I get that. But my hope is balance. Use some of the time I have this season to get in front of the people I love and be with them.

Sweet isn't even the word. It was life-giving...somehow life-affirming. It's that warm feeling deep down inside that you can't explain, that makes you happy to know a friend and know a friend's love.


Blogger ohchicken said...

and now you made the pregnant girl cry!

i second your words. it was all true for me too.

pee ess do you even have a basement? ;)

4:04 PM

Blogger mrs metaphor said...

I was wondering about the basement too, gotta say....and dang, I'm a Gene Kelly fan, what the heck...did he barricade himself in his basement at some point? How did I miss that? Is this too many questions for your post?

see, it really is all about me.

9:09 PM


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