I've received permission to post this letter a friend shared on her blog. I found it inspiring, and in the recent passing of the responder, a message to extend through all our days on earth.

dear anne,
thank you for your letter in january. i like the way you speak of "writing life alive". it's true that sometimes we must write our tears and hopes and fears on paper. mercy and reconciliation can come to us through story.
keep cultivating your work and remain brave in it.
madeleine l'engle
Thank you for this, Steve. I wonder if it came from the Anne we have in common (i think it did).
I somehow don't have your e-mail address but I'd be very pleased to schedule some live conversation sooner than later. With high school teaching behind me (for now) the schedule (pronounced shedool) is way open. I'm david.dark at
rock me amadeus,
10:25 PM
'Flu shares Bananie, and The Darkness comments.
Did someone say community?
4:03 PM
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