Beauty and the feast.
A friend shared a while back that if we don't take in beauty, we'll be taken out by it. I think that's turned quite true for me - it's a pretty missional thing to consider. The responsibility to seek out beauty, and wonder at it.
Recently, thanks to one of those ridiculous buy 2 get 9 free sales (something like that), I ended up with a lot of DVDs. One that hit me upside the head in this manner was House of Flying Daggers.

It's not even completely about the story, it's just as much the aesthetic of the movie. I think the same goes for music. It can't be just the truth, as another friend has said. It's got to be truth with meaning. That's where the beauty is in it's fullness. I'm feeling that the longer I live, the less attuned my heart can get to such things. This is where I feel that second and chosen naivete or innocence is so important.
What it means to an individual is different, I think. Saying someone has blue eyes is true. Saying someone has clear pools of cerulean that perceive the story around them is a way to bring art and meaning to something that is true.
That's a Don Millerism. Not one of my own.
2:24 PM
First I would comment on how much this movie affected me when I saw it recently - I've looked for it the last few times in the pre-viewed section to no avail. Second, another "blue eyes" quote that I read just today: Anthony Quinn once said, "Having talent is like having blue eyes. You don't admire a man for the color of his eyes. I admire a man for what he does with his talent." His idea could figure in with beauty as well: beauty in bringing your talent to fruition, perhaps?
7:51 PM
I like that - keep that stuff coming, peeps. Beauty and art. Whew. Good material.
12:27 AM
I find Yimou Zhang's movies extraordinary. The cinematography leaves me breathless. The way color is used... the contrast in each scene... I also recommend Hero.
11:41 AM
perhaps you can drop an email and let me know how to add buddies to my blogspot...can't figure it out for the life of me...
8:43 AM
the discussion on beauty and truth reminded me of that amazing moment in the shawshank redemption .... when Andy locks himself in the wardens office and plays an aria from the marriage of Figaro over the prison PA system ... yes its a beautiful piece of music in itself but in that context it becomes almost incarnational ....probably best summed up by Red's description .." I have no idea to this day what those two Italian ladies were singin' about. Truth is, I don't want to know. Some things are best left unsaid. I like to think they were singin' about something so beautiful it can't be expressed in words and makes your heart ache because of it. I tell you, those voices soared, higher and farther than anybody in a gray place dares to dream. It was like some beautiful bird flapped into our drab little cage and made those walls dissolve away. And for the briefest of moments, every last man at Shawshank felt free. "
Enjoying your blog - found it on a link from either Jude or Alexia and am always happy to take recomendations from 2 such quality ladies ....
9:27 AM
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