Saturday, January 21, 2006

Role reversal.

Lis is off at a retreat this weekend, and I've had a great time being home with the kids. The best part so far, has been our dinner at Shogun, the Benihana's of Franklin. It was good. The kids had a great time, especially when the chef lit some stuff on fire. That was good times. Have I mentioned how much I love rice? And that nectar of rice known to the world as "sake"?
I do love it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure Evan would have had your back if you ran into any unruly chefs in the parking lot.

4:09 PM

Blogger malfunction54 said...

oooh, dude, have you tried Kurosawa? It's good stuff. I've develped my taste for saké in the last few years. If you're ever in DC in April (Cherry Blossom Festival), there's a National Sushi Society tasting event. Lots of good sakés to try, and lots of good sushi!

6:14 PM


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