Tapping the inner scooter.
I have been trying to formulate this idea for awhile. It won't end up as a book. Especially not in a series, like say "The Purpose-Driven Scooter" or "Left Behind Scooters." Probably just this blog.
I am beginning to believe we all have an inner scooter. It's the feeling that compels us to take the back road. To turn off the radio and cell phone. Slow down the pace, and observe. Inhale life and embrace the rushing wind. Feel on your face the pockets of cold and warm air. I think when a person gets in touch with their inner-scooter, you can even hear it in the still, quiet moments. In a distance slowly growing closer. ".....neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, neeeeeeeeeeeeeeee."
Here's a new segment I'm considering. It might be a picture, or a small thought. We'll give it a shot before it gets it's own blog title here on Flibbityfluent.
Inner Scooter Observations
A picture on my latest scooter journey, as a fully licensed motorcycle operator. (yes, I went to the DMV. That was purgatory.)

Autumn in Tennessee is something I don't realize I'm looking forward to, until it's already upon us. Especially when I'm not traveling, and can take in all the colors.
Again, wedding pictures and some carved pumpkin shots to die for, coming soon.
I have always had an inner scooter. I've been covetting vespas since I was 16... but without my scooter I indulge my inner neck-crane.
In London the best things to do is to look up. so many people walk around with their eyes on the pavement and there is so much beauty above us. really crappy shop fronts become beautiful buildings about 15 feet from the pavement... with 'blue plaques' telling you what great and historic person lived there a 100 or so years ago.
that was a very long-winded way of saying... "I hear ya"
6:52 PM
truly, laughing out loud here. I hear ya, too. There's a lot, right under our noses, eh?
8:22 AM
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