Sarah Jayne got married...
Here are a few memorable moments from the wedding...

The ceremony was in a chapel on the campus where Sarah graduated from college.

Evan was very excited to have ring-bearing responsibilities. We called him Frodo.

Ella was a wonderful flower girl. She threw all the flowers out.

I sang a song for the occasion, with a very familiar guitar.

One of the most memorable moments from the wedding, besides my best friend of 20 years and I yelling the entire "Scenario" rap from Tribe Called Quest, was father and daughter doing a foxtrot to some Nat King Cole.
A special weekend for all. Sarah and Curtis, I hope you enjoy the journey together. You certainly got one heck of a send-off. :)
Wow, that's beautiful! Why, I remember the YG days, Louis at Camp, *sigh*. So what's TC up to these days? From the sounds of it, he's still crazy as ever. Remember when you two got those flashing lights and tried to pull people over on the back roads?
Again, my best to Sarah and Curtis :)
8:44 AM looks beautiful on you.
6:27 PM
hey...i happened upon your blog because google pulled it up for pictures of autumn in tn. my question that ellie blackwood as the flower girl? one of 4 blackwood this time, their mom kristi would be about to pop with their only brother...? because..that would be a small world there. i babysat those girls almost every monday night for like 4 years.
and i'm not getting a good full on shot of bride and groom to see if i recognize them either....
anywho...i was just wonderin...
if it's not her, it's got to be a lost twin or something...same face and hair!
12:50 PM
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