Still unpacking from the weekend.
I'm finally sitting down in a quiet house. The only additional noise is by choice - a dvd I was given to convert your TV into an aquarium. This is true technology at work.
I took Evan with me on a whirl-wind tour of life-altering experiences. And a mall. We started there at Opry Mills. We played about 45 minutes, and had a BLAST. My favorite comment, afterwards is important to me as I approach the 30 year mark. "You guys look a lot older in your photos."
As we got tucked in our bunks on the bus, Evan said,"I've got my pillow, a bunk, and a little tv. This is the good life."
He's starting to make me laugh out loud, with great frequency.
We headed off to Philly for Live8. Our Blood:Water Mission, Bono, and Data were some contributing factors in how all that happened. Well, we played 2 songs. 5am soundecheck for 8 minutes of glory. We got to talk quite a bit about B:WM and the work going on in Africa. Evan met Queen Amidala (Padmé)

That was probably his highlight. Rumor has it that photo will run in the Tennessean tomorrow in the gossip column. Maybe they will be rumored to have been engaged!
We had the best sushi ever - Iron Chef Morimoto prepared the most amazing food.

A few of the guys attended a party Will Smith threw the night before, and a guy from CNN asked what we'd think if we were "back here" doing another benefit 20 years from now. Matt said something wonderful as we discussed that question later on.
Would that really be so bad? The exercise of giving our hearts to helping others is life giving. It reminds us all of why we are on this earth. Sure, I'd do this again.

Have you had Evan's midichlorian count checked? He could be the one to bring balance to the force and destroy the Sith :P
I read some more about your Blood:Water Mission. Man, that sounds like great work! Glad you were able to reach such a huge audience with the message :)
6:42 AM
What a summer you are having.
What experiences.
What fun.
6:28 PM
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