Nettwerking & Duran Duran
Well, I'm enjoying a mango-peach at the Edgehill Coffeeshop. This is happenin'. I've got a great deal of itunes gift certificates to spend, and a free hour to sit and think. Good time to catch up with you.

The Duran Duran show was awesome. The band emerged on stage, and led up to a major production/sync track issue. So, all the lead up to a big oops. I believe Simon Lebon's words were,"That's a big f*ck all, isn't it?" HAHA. The crowd was not deterred. They went NUTS. It was like that was the best thing that could have happened.

NO "reflex." That was the only disappointment. But in light of all the other hits, it wasn't so bad. "Girls on Film," and "Say A Prayer" were highlights. "Rio" was a huge closer....OH, and they dedicated "Ordinary World" to the bomb victims in London, which was a pretty wonderful gesture from a pop group.

John aka "Mr.Banana" (thanks Lori) slapping the bass in pure 80's pop style.
Overall, a great night. Lis and I went with Chris and Emily - rode in their Jeep with the top down. Fun night! Now, tonight, after a meeting to decide the future of music, haha, Evan and I are going to Avril and experience some teen angst together.
miss you.
still hoping for some imovie goodness. you know. a la white stripe and supafriends.......
(did i mention that i miss you?)
11:58 PM
so good to hear that. Miss you too. I dunno when we'll be in Texas again....I DID play texas hold 'em with one "Donald Miller" in Vancouver, WA. A good story. :) Miss you too.
12:14 AM
can't believe i didn't see this comment until now!
hope to hear your story soon.
and for the love. update already.
9:37 PM
Hey, where've you been? Hope all is well and that you'll be posting again soon. I saw this, and I thought you might find it interesting... The life straw... it's a personal portable water filter that lasts up to a year at a cost of $2USD. Pretty amazing.
6:46 AM
Sad admission:
you are now only roughly 9 Duran Duran concerts behind my total.
bet it was good.
bet he didn't make the high notes in Wild Boys and let the crowd sing it for him.
j x
7:01 PM
uh oh, you're getting blogspam, dude. Maybe that discount cialis is a good deal, though, huh?
9:05 PM
Yeah, those commie bastards. Any ideas? New post coming soon. BUSY BUSY BUSY.
11:36 PM
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