Monday, January 17, 2005

The labor of self-criticism and self-correction.

Quite a fight.

Everyone at some point wants a life changed or improved. Probably a bad part. Sometimes, it’s making a good part better. It’s that thing about me that I want to change most, but fear acknowledging. The elephant in my room; more likely, my closet.

There’s something to that. Be it good, bad, or indifferent. My life continues. However, in taking on a self-criticism, I’m experiencing a different kind of living these days. What used to be a patterned response is no longer, in this season. What takes it’s place these days, for me, is an overwhelming sense of just how many hours are in a day, and how many opportunities I have to respond to and nurture my soul.

When God is seen gracious and this self-criticism is held to the truth, good things happen. It doesn’t lead to anger, self-pity and entitlement.

Don’t let that sound mightier than it is – this is only done in the context of community and love of others. I can’t do it.

When I’m not bound by my fear, my shame, my addictive nature, a veil of self-loathing, I experience freedom to be the friend I’ve always wanted to be. I’m an adult. I look longer. I have different vision. I’m thinking less about how others perceive me, and more about loving those around me well.

And the experience of change brings with it a desire to change further. Seems a bit cyclical. Thanks to God for the gift of desire, and the help to spend it well.


Blogger Carlen said...

I'm uncomfortable with the fact that CLEARLY you have been reading my journal and have used all of my ugliness, (namely, from your post: "my fear, my shame, my addictive nature, a veil of self-loathing,") to fuel your own revelations. I envy your confidence, your hope. (Great, envy is ANOTHER thing to feel bad about.) Keep seeking and learning so perhaps we can learn vicariously.

9:58 PM


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