Monday, November 01, 2004

Vote or die, Rock the vote, Choose or lose, Redeem the vote?

I feel so strange, on the eve of the election, in one of the most polarizing moments in our country's history, to realize this time tomorrow we could have a new president, the same one, or a hell of a lot of lawsuits. Actually, it sounds as though the lawsuits are coming, regardless of what happens.

We're going to have a night to watch the coverage, and see how they call it. It brings back memories of Dan Rather in 2000 saying things I've never heard uttered from a news anchor before. This includes Rod Burgundy. Calling Florida one way, then another, and then back again. Participating in this sort of mediafest is probably how l end up feeling as though my soul was stolen. It's what John Stewart is rallying against. But, with a few bottles of red wine, it could turn to good comedy. Like John Stewart.

I'm excited to see what happens tomorrow. Hopefully, nothing. We don't need MORE to polarize our country. That's worth getting to in the next few blogs.


Blogger GBug said...

Well done on posting!

I'm watching the results from here and I really think I need a drink.

8:34 PM


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