Monday, November 15, 2004

Statistics and the Hobbit.

I was in Colorado over the weekend and was shared this factoid - Every year, 1,200 left-handed people die using things intended for right-handed people. I don't know if I'm more angry at the lack of left-hand-friendly products, or the lack of focus in my left-handed community. Where do we go from here? Who will provide moral leadership to navigate such a sad state?
In Grand Junction, CO, I bought the Hobbit at a fantastic used book store. The last few years, I've enjoyed reading Tolkien in the fall to lead up to the release of a new movie. Unfortunately, all we have this year is the extended version of "The Return of the King." Yes, I'm WAY behind all of this. It took leaving college to get me really passionate about reading books again and learning to process it all.

Well, so far, I am laughing a great deal. What I'm enjoying is the dual nature of Bilbo. One side of his spirit wants nothing more than to eat 6-7 meals in the day and stand outside his door, smoking his pipe. The other side has intense wanderlust - wanting to live up to the title Gandalf gave to make him party to the Dwarf adventurers. I relate to this in SO many ways.

Now, I just need a few hours a day to read.


Blogger Alexia said...

the hobbit is my comfort food in book form! enjoy!

8:52 AM


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