Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Mid-election Speculation Spectacular

The election is about half over. Some are saying it's all over. Other networks are still saying it's on. Pundits are saying it's not over until it's over. I'm done.

The highlights were Jon Stewart's Daily Show coverage (the "too-close-to-call" dancers, and a haymaker-swingin' Al Sharpton), and the issue of whether or not Brit Hume was actually asleep while he was reporting. I seriously saw a mortician take measurements.

All the numbers are giving me a headache.

I called my good friend in the glorious Dutch-inhabited swing state of Michigan. We discussed that as the country has gotten so polarized, it's an opportunity for those in the fray to really understand what they believe. What they hope for our country. I think this year has been a good one for me in that regard. I hope the people that came out to vote, stay involved. Stay hungry. We're not electing a proper direction, it's a man.

I hate the thought that the evangelical vote will turnout and then turn off their brains because their Christian man is in office again. There has to be intelligent conversation about where we're headed. What we've done wrong. Where we need to be humble. How to change foreign policy, the idea of preemptive war...we've gotta keep these people in office listening to what we care about. That, and get Colin Powell to hang around longer.


Blogger GBug said...

beautifully written.

from your blog stalker xx

5:52 PM

Blogger Steve said...

Well, I'll take an English stalker any day.

11:38 AM


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